July 2011 Archives

A want is a hole the Difficult World Dictator creates to suck your energy into. A desire is your Spirit's announcement that something you'd love to have is ready for you to claim.

I experienced the difference between a want and a desire very graphically yesterday morning while writing in My Easy World Daybook. The night before, after looking up the route from our house to our cottage on Lake Michigan, I decided we simply had to have a GPS to get us there without problems.

A little background: I love, love, LOVE our road trips to Michigan. But this will be our first time making the trip from NC after many years of driving there from Colorado. From Denver, it's a straight shot up I-76 to I-80 and then most of the 2 long days of driving is on flat, basically challenge-free I-80 crossing Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois, with a couple of very simple, you'd-have-to-be-asleep-not-to-make-them road changes thereafter.

What I can see from Google and AAA maps and directions is that there are a LOT of road changes between Raleigh and our destination and the only sizeable stretch on the same road is just 213  miles--the West Virginia Turnpike--gorgeous, but not your mindless driving situation. Besides that, it just looks like lots and lots of 12-mile and 16-mile and 30-mile segments requiring a great deal of focus.

One thing I have absolutely adored about our trips is the lighthearted fun we've been able to have, bascially zoning out and just enjoying cruising along without having to be concerned with getting lost or sidetracked. So, my mind, goaded by the Difficult World Dictator, frames this upcoming trip as potentially problem-filled and jumps to a solution: MUST HAVE A GPS.

A GPS is not in our budget. And we don't do that many road trips, so buying one for this one trip just doesn't seem like a wise use of funds in any case. So, after spending more than an hour researching affordable GPS options, I came to the conclusion that if I need a GPS, Easy World will have to come up with one without me wasting any more time or energy on it.

Then, while filling out the section in my daybook the next a.m. that calls for "A blessing I'm willing to allow Easy World to provide in Divine Timing, including how I'll celebrate when it shows up in my experience," I found myself writing, "A fun and easy trip. I'll celebrate by feeling light-hearted and happy! I'll create it by feeling light-hearted and happy!" It felt so great to write that--I could feel the high-vibe, Easy World energy in it.

And then it struck me. The desire, which has already been provided for in Easy World, isn't a GPS at all--it's fun and ease, feeling light-hearted and happy. The want is the GPS. I don't have to have a GPS to experience ease, have fun and feel light-hearted and happy! I just need to be in Easy World and let Spirit be my GPS!

I know that if a physical GPS is what my Spirit determines to be in alignment with supporting feeling light-hearted and happy, that's just what will show up for me effortlessly. But GPS or no, I still get to be in Easy World, feeling light hearted and happy and having a fun trip!

I can't think of a better, more accurate GPS than Spirit, who gets all the route-altering updates without having to synch anything with a computer and delivers them at just the perfect time!

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My New Best Friend

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I've got a new best friend! If I've been largely absent from the blogosphere lately, it's at least in part because I've been in high gear with creating a new product. It's a "power tool" to help those of us who are devoted to living in Easy World to have an easier time being there. I'm so excited about it! It's a simple tool but it packs quite a punch in my experience.

It's My Easy World Daybook and it's a daily journal with prompts you respond to that put you in Easy World. I've been using it for weeks now and I really love how it causes me to commune with my Self--the real me--and raise my vibration up to where Easy World is my reality. Starting my day in Easy World really sets me up to spend more of my day in EW.

I was strongly inspired to create this and have found the process to be deeply fulfilling. I must confess that as much as I love it and have benefited from using the prototype of it, I wondered if other people would "get it" and be excited about it and see the value in it. Well, they sure seem to!

I sent out a mailing to my Love Letters From Easy World subscribers last week, thinking that because they're already committed to starting their day in Easy World that they would really like this. I was definitely right! We've had a tremendous response and people are not only buying one journal at the discounted advance-order price, more folks than I had expected are taking advantage of the 5 daybooks for the price of 4 deal we're offering! (Each daybook has daily pages for 90 days plus extra pages for recording other inspirations so if you use yours every day, 4 daybooks is a year's worth--the 5th one can be a gift or a start on the next year!)

Here's a quick, fun video Rick and I made today of me and my new best friend...

I'm really inspired to think about all the Easy World focus and time spent in EW (and out of Difficult World!) the daybooks are going to support. If people get as into using theirs as I do mine, there will be some serious vibration-raising going on!

Please check out the daybook page and let me know what you think! http://www.iliveineasyworld.com/easy-world-daybook/

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