Michigan vacation 2010

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This picture of me on the beach at sunset in front of the cottage kind of sums things up!

Julia beach sunset 9-12-10.jpgAnd this picture of my favorite spot on the front porch of the cottage does, too.

Daybed on cottage porch.jpgHopefully, I'll get ambitious and actually write something soon, but for now, the photos will have to do! I'm sure you understand.

I live in Easy World where everything is easy. Breathing...relaxing...allowing...and enjoying...and what do you know? Magic is unfolding!!!

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Jacqueline said:

Hi, Julia!
I love the pictures!
Hope the drive home has been peaceful and enjoyable.

Julia Author Profile Page said:

Thank you! Safely home--definitely ready for a rest before packing up the rest of the house. Moving day is 12 days away and soooo much to be done! xoxo Julia

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on September 16, 2010 10:09 PM.

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