Scary (almost) Halloween pictures

This is our backyard this afternoon. And it's still snowing! This is not as deep as it is in the foothills and mountains, however. It is 44 inches in some places up there and still piling up. (I know what that looks like because back in 2003, we had 44 inches at our house!)
Sigh...I live in Easy World where snow comes down with ease!
I miss those golden Octobers in North Carolina where people have outdoor parties and to be comfortable, you just have to wear a sweater and maybe a light jacket--not mukluks and parkas. (To be fair, I will admit it does rain there quite a lot in Fall, but it doesn't pile up like giant marshmallows and block your driveway!)
...I am deeply grateful to have a warm dry house and a huge pot of organic chicken and brown rice soup underway in the kitchen.
...I'm also grateful not to have to travel--hundreds of flights out of DIA have been canceled and interstates are closed to the north and east and west.
...I'm really happy to have work to do and a great book to read--the satellites are not being picked up by our DirecTV dish. (I hope this changes by game time tonight--I want to see the Yankees make a comeback tonight in the World Series.)
...I'm very appreciative that I have a good voice-over guy in the house--Rick is doing an intro and closing for the recording of Tuesday night's teleseminar which will soon be uploaded and available--at no charge this time! Look for it on the homepage at
...and the list goes on. I am a fortunate woman, even though the weather is not how I prefer it. As they say in my homeland, "I can't complain."
Hi Julia, Happy Halloween! You sound to me to be in the perfect place, snowstorm, warmth and happiness!
I was just reading a lens about you written by Jacqueline Stone, and I am about to give it an "angel blessing." I love to "find"lenses to bless--i just became an angel a few weeks ago!!
Blessings to you, and as soon as your book "Easy World" comes out, I want to have you back on the MoonMooYou: The Collective Wisdom" BTR show!!
Thanks so much, Kate! I will take all the angel blessings you want to send this way! I'd say you've been an angel longer than a few weeks...:)
I loved being on your radio show. It was delightful! I accept with great pleasure your invitation to return. I just found out last week that the launch of Choosing Easy World has been pushed back to July 15. I will try to stay in Easy World with that!