Easy World video

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At last! A video to introduce Easy World. That's what we did with a chunk of our weekend and I'm really glad we got something acceptable.

We had tried a couple of times before and just not captured all that I wanted to say. I'm really not great with scripts--Rick says I couldn't even make news anchor in a 3rd-tier market because of how stiff I sound. So I just jotted a few notes and went from there. I picked this version out of a whole bunch more because I got most of it said, remembered to look in the camera, and I could feel the energy shift after I said the EW "magic words,"

See if you can!



Andrena said:

Great presentation and you look BEAUTIFUL. This one really makes a connection.

Julia said:

Thanks, Andrena!
By the way, I tried without my glasses but I just liked having them on better!

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on February 11, 2008 11:52 PM.

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