Easy World and Maciek

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As I was swimming last night in my Endless Pool, I realized that it's coming up on the 1st anniversary of my rediscovery of Easy World. I was predisposed to be thinking about Easy World for a couple of reasons.

First, how much easier can it get that when I want to swim, I just go into my garage! On a day when it's 12 degrees F outside and snowing, I just suit up, grab my towel, walk down the hall, through the living room, and through a door to my snuggly warm garage and into my warm swimming pool for a great workout! That always raises my vibration and helps me to feel great! In case you don't remember, that swimming pool and garage--and the cold January weather--were the catalysts for me to redisover Easy World!

One of the other reasons I had Easy World on my mind is that one of the delightful folks on the Easy World Forum had just posted a fabulous story of his remarkable experience with invoking Easy World. Maciek is young Polish man, living temporarily here in the U.S. He is quite an Easy World natural and has brought a lot of energy and excitement to the forum. Here is a photo of Maciek, and here is a link to the thread where you can find his telling of a couple of his Easy World adventures. The one that just tickles me pink is the first one, about his trip to Philadelphia and back. Enjoy!

Rick and I are on our way to Boulder tonight to take Stepdaughter #2 out for dinner and hear about the mission trip she took over her winter break from U. of Colorado to Thailand to help with tsumami relief. I'm looking forward to a chance to see her, eat a great meal, and not write anything or be on the computer for a few hours! I'm about written out. What I believe is the fattest newsletter I've ever done is being sent out tomorrow and I've done soooooooo much writing for that and creating new web pages for new classes and writing class descriptions and on and on! Very excited about it all--and very glad to remove myself for the evening! If you're on my email list, the newsletter will be delivered to your inbox in the morning so keep your eye out for it!

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Andrena said:

Hi Julia:
I've been reading your newsletter and it is the best one you have produced so far. Thanks so much for all you do for the world.
B & L,

Julia said:

Thanks, Andrena!!! I feel a lot of energy with this newsletter. It feels like something has expanded, and not just the size of it!
And the world is welcome--it is my utter joy to do what I do!

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