Check out my Squidoo lens!

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Over the last few weeks, I have been creating a Squidoo lens (a webpage that focuses on a topic) called How to Raise Your Vibrational Frequency, and I just unveiled it a couple of days ago. There, along with lots of articles and such on raising your frequency, you'll find my video on the Step-By-Step Frequency Raising System.

I would love for you to visit my lens and rate it (use the stars at the top of the page) and leave a comment in the guestbook if you're so inspired. While you're visiting Squidoo, you might want start a lens of your own. It can be on anything under the sun--whatever you're interested in!

I'm making one on Easy World, too, but haven't gotten very far along with it yet. I'm sure I'll be inspired and energized to get it up and running pretty soon.

Tonight is the teleseminar "Unlock the Gate to Feeling Great," and won't surprise you that I have been feeling less than swell! Happily, I know how to take my own advice and I'm feeling much better now and rising higher every minute! I hope you'll be able to be on the call. If you're not already on my list, be sure to add your email address (you can find the little window on any page of my website ) by 8 pm Eastern, and I will send a personal email with the access info.

Talk to you tonight! Now--please go visit my lens!


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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on January 29, 2008 3:42 PM.

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