Last (first?) call for Easy World stories

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A few weeks ago, I issued a call via email blast and forum post to the EW Forum participants for their stories about Easy World. I'm writing a book about EW which will include a chapter featuring the stories of people besides myself (my stories will be peppered throughout the book) for whom EW has made a difference.

I can hardly believe it, but I totally forgot to mention that here! I know there are some of you who have embraced Easy World who have never visited the EW Forum, so I want you to have the chance to share if you have a story that is specifically Easy World-based.

I had asked for the stories to be sent no later than yesterday, and I got a bunch of great ones, but I don't want to leave anyone out! So if you have an EW story, please send it to me before December 11. You can use the Contact Us feature at to submit it.

The story doesn't need to be particularly well-written--I'll be re-writing it with your collaboration (and using your first name and initial of your last name with it). I just need the gist of the story. What I'm looking for are examples of choosing Easy World and having things work out wonderfully. It will help your chances of inclusion in the book greatly if you can state in your own way within the story that you chose Easy World and then things worked out with ease.

So please write out the gist of it as descriptively as you can, and email it to me ASAP with the subject line "Easy World story"! If your story is chosen for publication, I'll send you a signed first edition of the book.If you haven't yet discovered Easy World, delay no longer! Visit and learn all about the amazing parallel reality where everything is easy.

I've had a blast today working on my book proposal. I bet it won't surprise you when I tell you that everything about writing this book so far has been fun and EASY!

Oh, yeah--in case you haven't yet noticed, the December free teleseminar is Easy World Holidays on Dec. 18. Unfortunately, I'd already scheduled the Nov. call and advertised the topic as "Self-Acceptance" before I came up with "Easy World Holidays," so Thanksgiving, Hanukkah and one of the Moslem Dec. holidays will already be past. But I doubt there is any holiday more stressful for folks than Christmas, and at least it will be in time for that! Next year, I'll plan to do Easy World Holidays in November. Mark your calendar--even if your culture's December holidays are already past. This is information that applies any time of year!

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on December 2, 2007 12:07 AM.

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