True confession time

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This is a little embarrassing, but I'm going to 'fess up in service to illuminating a truth about Easy World...

Remember the account of how I magically manifested the iPod? (see blog entry "Easy iPod") I explained, Rick had it for a few days first, and loaded it up with all the sound files he had on his computer, which were a lot as he had downloaded lots of stuff from Napster back before that became a problem. I listened to his stuff some, but really wanted my music on there. No big deal--I knew I once I docked it to my computer and my iTunes library, I could wipe all that stuff out and replace it with my music.

Just one thing: he had already made his computer the iPod's home. I had heard several horror stories about trying to switch an iPod's home computer, and made the assumption that it was a hard thing to do. Rick said he'd done it--no problem--so I was going to have him help me.

Well...sometimes around here, getting around to non-emergency technical things that require us to be in the same space at the same time can take awhile, and with lots of other priorities, not to mention, my needing to remember that I needed help when help was available...well, you know. But finally, today, he was available and I was available and the time was right, so I asked him to help me. The first thing he said was, "Have you tried hooking up the iPod to your computer yet?"

"Um, no."

So I hand him the cord (my laptop is no longer on my desk--Rick got me this nifty docking station, keyboard, and monitor for Valentine's Day so I can have a regular-size monitor to use at home but it's too big for my little desk, so we moved the docking station/laptop off the desk) and he, who is standing next to the docking station, plugs it in, hands me the other end of the chord, and I plug in the iPod and wait for what I figured would be the rejection notice that my genius husband would then have to coach me through.

Would you believe a window pops up and says that the iPod has a different home computer and would I like to change that? I clicked "yes" and that was that! I am now loading all my music onto that iPod.

Wow, how I love Easy World! I shake my head at how conditioned we have been to Difficult World that we have assumed things will be difficult. I could have been listening to my music on that iPod for 4 months if I had simply tapped into Easy World! Thank goodness, I am residing there now.

Repeat after me: "I live in Easy World, where everything is easy!"



Sibylle said:

I live in Easy World, where everything is easy!
And may I make a little contribution today? I have come up with The Easy World Soundtrack (see my blog), and I herewith authorise everyone to use it freely!
So here it is - The Easy World Soundtrack (hag trademark):
“Easy like Sunday Morning”, Faith No More
“Don’t Worry, Be Happy”, Bobby McFerrin
“What A Wonderful World”, Louis Armstrong
“Feelin’ Groovy”, Simon & Garfunkel
“Life’s a Long Song”, Jethro Tull
“Wonderous Stories”, Yes
“I Choose Love”, Shawn Gallaway
“July”, Mundy
“Jug of Punch”, I recommend the version by Altan
“Ordinary Day”, Great Big Sea
“The Reel In The Flickering Light”, Christy Moore
Happy easy listening :-)

Deborah said:

Easy World is so amazing!!! Ready to move permanently.
Here is something neat I found, can't recall author.
Here are some things to reflect on as you enhance your Consciousness of Empowerment:
The greatest joy -- Making a Difference
The most satisfying act -- Giving
The most powerful internal gift -- Allowing Yourself the Ability to Receive
Our greatest natural resource -- Laughter
The most motivating word -- A Word of Encouragement
The most prized “state of mind” -- Peace of mind
The most powerful force in the Universe -- Love
The world's most Magnificent Computer -- The Brain
The two most Self-Perpetuating words of Creation -- “I AM”
The most valuable part of any attire -- A SMILE!
The most catching emotion -- Enthusiasm
The most endangered natural resource -- Gratefulness
The most powerful tool of manifestation -- Faith

Julia said:

Wow, Sybille!
I was just last night thinking about songs for Easy World!
Deborah~ Most of those fit for me--I really agree with ""The most powerful force in the Universe -- Love""! but I actually see gratitude on the increase!
Love, Joy, Ease, y'all!

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on February 17, 2007 6:08 PM.

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