Links to some frequency-raising tools (for Isle of Light listeners)

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In my recent Isle of Light radio interview with host, Chyrene Pendleton, I promised to put some links on my blog. So here they are!

Step By Step Frequency Raising

The Step-By-Step Frequency Raising system can be accessed by clicking on its name.

Grief and release music

My favorite over time has been the CD Ashes by Cris Williamson, who wrote and performed it as a self-healing act when her partner of 20 years left her for another woman. Even though this has never happened to me, the trauma and grief translate perfectly to all sorts of situations. I have used this album to heal from loss of all kinds, from the death of my canine sidekick to my dear mother's passing, and all sorts of lesser, garden-variety traumas and lower-frequency events that I could not quite label the particular source of but felt the need to release energy from and move through. (See the end of this blog entry for a link to purchase Ashes and other recommended music.)

As I said in the interview, music written by someone who is using it to heal themselves is the most powerful healing music, and my friend, Donna Michael, wrote her latest CD, Out of the Darkness, as a way to move through a profound dark night of the soul she experienced. It is beautiful and uplifting and, like Ashes, moves you through the stages of release powerfully, without leaving you stuck in sadness. When you listen from start to finish, it embraces you in your grief and woundedness, and brings you up and out into the Light. I haven't had it for very long, but I know that it will be a favorite.

Joy music

My personal favorite to put on right after moving through the grief and release music is Down to the Moon by Andreas Vollenweider, then, as I ramp up into full-on, heart-leaping-up joy, I put on Earth Wind and Fire. The key to choosing joy music is, obviously, finding what makes you feel happy when you listen to it. Tunes that make you want to move are fantastic, too, as movement is a key way to raise frequency--the perfect combination! The anatomy of joy music is upbeat, rhythmic, and clear. Music composed specifically with the idea of raising vibration is ideal--that's why Earth Wind and Fire's music is so powerful. If you listen to most of EW & F's songs, they are constantly moving up into crescendo and sound like they are climbing the vibrational scale. I also love that they were composed out of a consciousness of Oneness. (If you only get one EW&F album, I recommend The Essential Earth Wind & Fire--but play disc 2 first!) AND. my new favorite music to keep my vibes high is by Robert Randolph and the Family Band. You can hear their music from their homepage--just look at the bottom of the picture frame and their songs are listed. .

Rebirthing breath / circular breathing

You can read about this in a thread on my Raise Your Frequency! forum

Amygdala clicking

This is another "power tool" you can read about on the RYF! Forum:

Pop! Your Frontal Lobes for Bliss All the Time

Another thread on the RYF! Forum on this topic is

Amygdala Clicking Has Me Inspired


For articles about the frequency-raising power of therapeutic-grade essential oils, as well as information on purchasing them, go to:


Vocal toning

Here's an article about using your voice to heal (move into Prime Matrix, raise your frequency)

Vocal Toning: Discover One of Your Power Tools


Here are links to purchase some of the CDs listed above as well as my own book, Recreating Eden:

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Julia King said:

You are a lovely person and so giving and giving and giving. It is beautiful and I enjoy your calls and interviews and articles and threads. Thank you for all you share.Much Love, OceanaJulia

Joe Brooke said:

My name is Joe Brooke. I do live in the city of Mesa, Arizona in the country of the United States of America.
I most sincerely wish to ask you something.
Which of your musical albums on CD is or might be the most effective for deep healing and deepest relaxation?? I'm most anxious and interested to find out. Please respond back to me whenever possible. Thank you so much.


Joe Brooke

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on September 4, 2006 3:20 PM.

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