Quick update from the field...the woods

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Boy, oh boy! I am being given the royal treatment here in St. Francisville! I’m staying in the Gardener’s Cottage at Shadetree (the B&B Ellen started with her ex, Kenwood, and that he owns and still runs), and it is a magical little spot. I am immersed in the woods and being nourished at the soul level by nature in ways that I had forgotten were possible. Kenwood is a fabulous host—the perfect blend of helpful but not overly solicitous. It’s obvious he’s been at this for a long time! He’s so cool. (AND he’s read Recreating Eden multiple times and loves it!)

Then there’s Ellen—oh, boy! She and I hit it off in person just as well as on the phone and email. She is a ball of fire! I am amazed at all that she is doing to make this weekend special. Tonight is the booksigning/talk in Baton Rouge, and she has turned it into quite the affair with wine and food and such. I went to her house for dinner last night and saw the big coolers of food for tonight and for our workshop lunches. We had boiled shrimp (which I love, love, love!) and grilled tuna (which I also love) with salad, roasted asparagus and asiago cheese bread with Godiva chocolates for dessert, and it was all fabulous—she’s a great cook, among her many talents. Her home is just lovely—in the woods and kind of “modern rustic chic.” And of course, it’s painted with her paints. Fabulous! Since we only have a dozen or so participants, we’re having the workshop at her house, which will be great. It’s a very joyful environment.

Ellen's staff is awesome, too. Already quite joyful folks! We ought to be able to raise the joy quotient quite easily with this group! Haven't met the other participants yet, but I can only imagine that they will also be great folks.

There’s so much more to tell. I will have to write again as I need to go get myself ready for tonight.

Oh, JOY!



Patti said:

I'm eagerly anticipating hearing more about your wonderful gathering! Once you've had time to catch your breath, please fill in the details. I know you have wonderful tales to tell!
With Love, Ease and JOY,

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This page contains a single entry by Julia published on May 13, 2005 5:40 PM.

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