Lots to read

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I was going to tell you the other night that I had—at last—finished The Lineage of the Codes of Light, but then something else came into my consciousness to share with you and I did not get it done. So….I finished it. I highly recommend this book. I will share here what I put in a review I wrote about it for Amazon (because I’m too lazy to try to re-phrase):

“I am awed at Jessie Ayani's skill in telling the story of the Sisterhood and imbuing it with such potent energy. I may be one of the pickiest people in the world when it comes to writing, and even the need for better editing in this book couldn't dampen the pure magic of it for me. I read this book slowly, rationing it so that I could extract the most out of it. I read most of it while exercising, and that really seemed to help me easily integrate the energy shifts this powerful book catalyzes.

Truly, if you are meant to read this book, and are ready for it, you will be drawn into it. You will feel new openings within you, deep memories surfacing, greater activation of the Codes of Light within you, and new realizations about who you are and why you are here. You will feel more empowered, and know you are a part of something wondrous. If it's not for you, or you're not ready to read it, you will not be attracted. But if you are, be ready to expand!”

And, of course, I gave it a five-star rating. I was a bit sad for it to end—it had become a friend over all the months I nursed it along. I took care of myself, however, and had her next book waiting in the wings. I’m now reading it and loving it, too. It is The Brotherhood of the Magi.

Over the weekend, my dear husband accidentally got me hooked on Anne Lamott. I’m not even sure how he came across her writing, but he emailed me a link to the archives of a regular column she used to write for Salon.com, and I’ve been gobbling it up. I’m sharing the link with you, but I’m warning you—it is highly habit forming stuff. I want to describe to you what she's all about--to characterize her writing style and substance, but I don't think I can even come close to doing it justice. You will need to discover it for yourself. While my spiritual orientation (and perhaps yours) is certainly different than hers, I find her quirky--yet deeply soulful--take on things to be spiritually enriching, and her irreverance completely engaging. I will probably next be reserving all her books from the library—actually, I bet Rick probably already has some on hold.

And speaking of books, our copy of The Disappearance of the Universe arrived today. I haven’t had a chance to start reading it yet (too busy polishing off the Anne Lamott archives), but I flipped through it, and saw some things that I resonated with, and a couple of things that I didn’t. I am still feeling somewhat guilty that apparently many people bought it thinking I was endorsing it. And I went to such pains to explain in the letter I sent out that I hadn’t read it and didn’t know if it was consistent with what I teach, but that it was a good deal with all the bonuses, and that me sending out notice of it to my list was helpful to the Recreating Eden cause—and then the first two people I talked to who had gotten the mailing said, “Oh—I bought it because you recommended it!” Sheesh. I guess I focused so hard on not wanting to give the impression that I was saying I was promoting what was in the book, I created the very thing I was trying not to! It wouldn't be the first time the law of attraction had worked that way in my life. (wry grin) Oh, well. I bet it will be a worthwhile read.


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