Decree of Healing

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I had almost decided not to post anything to the blog tonight, but was prompted to post this decree of healing, which I wrote about 10 years ago. I'm not sure why it was important to put this on here now, but I will do as guided and simply trust someone will find it helpful! (Please feel free to share it with anyone you wish--the copyright is simply to discourage someone else from publishing it in case I ever decide to publish my collection of decrees myself.)

Decree of Healing :

My life is in Your hands, Great Spirit, and I relinquish all illusion of personal control.

I give myself to You completely, knowing that it is my only hope for true healing.

I surrender myself at all levels to be restored to the perfection of Your design for me and every molecule of my body, mind, and heart are now open and being saturated with Your Light.

I know that Your Love is constantly flowing through me, re-educating every cell as to its right and perfect function, and that Divine Order is being re-established and maintained within me.

I accept balance and allow the flow of energy through me to be free-flowing, both in and out, in perfect rhythm, aligning with the great heartbeat of the Universe.

I turn over my fear to You to be transformed into pure Light once more, healing my wounded child-self and restoring my trust in Your perfect Love.

I allow myself to receive Your Love through the help and nurturing of others, understanding that all involved are blessed by the exchange.

I let go of trying to control the responses of others, knowing that they, too, are Yours and are directly cared for by You. I share my truth with them and have faith that they are walking their own paths to You.

I see powerfully with inner vision that is focused on You, and trust that no matter what may appear in the outer, all is under Your control and healing is taking place according to Your direction.

Because I know I am Yours, Great Spirit,

I am healed and free.

Copyright 2005 Julia Rogers Hamrick


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