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This is Julia Rogers Hamrick, author of Choosing Easy World, Recreating Eden, and your guide to Easy World. I’m so happy you landed here!

While you’re here visiting, I hope you’ll take a look around. There is a wealth of free resources available on this site to assist you in your spiritual evolution.

I also encourage you to visit my alternate site, ILiveInEasyWorld.com, for an introduction to a truly magical reality! In Easy World, everything is easy, and if you’re interested in creating a life of joy and authentic empowerment, I know you will want to be a resident of Easy World!

"Choosing Easy World invites us to enter a new paradigm, where suffering and struggle are not possible and joy abounds. If this is the world you long for, this is the guide to get you there. You'll love it."

Sonia Choquette, New York Times Best Selling Author of The Answer is Simple...Love Yourself, Live Your Spirit!



Your bonuses are a chapter from Choosing Easy World and a mini-poster that guides you in getting to Easy World. To claim your bonuses, enter your name and email address* below.

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Love, Joy, Ease,

Julia Rogers Hamrick